The Gift of Friendship: Nine Years and Counting…

I met up with some of my high school friends yesterday and it was really fun. I haven’t seen one of them for four years though we still keep in touch through text messages and facebook. A lot of things have change from our style, priorities, love life and even our dreams but one thing has not, our friendship. I’m so happy to sit down with them and talk  about a lot of things like we used to be. Over the years, our bond remains stronger even if we haven’t seen each other for such a long time. They are my close friends , my best friends, and the people that I know I can always rely and depend on. I love being with them, they have always been supportive of me as well as I am with them. They are the type of friends that would never leave you behind, would not judge you, cry with you, laugh with you and care for you deeply. I love them…and I love the fact that we have remained friends for nine long years… and counting…. Cheers for good friends…